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Superstand - O adevarata poveste de succes

Postat de Cosmin Calciu | Evenimente | Aprilie 24, 2014


Cu noul nostru site web vom începe o secțiune în care vom posta părerile sclipitoare lăsate de clienții noștri. Primul client pe care o să îl intervievam este Phil.

Am lucrat cu el de peste 2 ani la Superstand. Mai jos este ceea ce l-am întrebat.

Pentru a păstra originalitatea interviului, am ales să nu îl traducem.

Hi Phil. First question I have for you... Why did you choose us to work with you on this project?
Hey. I originally selected you 2.5 years ago because you had excellent references and proven happy customers, and you sounded (and proved to be) cost-effective. In addition, you were in the same time zone, you were culturally close to me, and you spoke excellent English.

How did you like working with us?
Very reliable. You work more like a partner than as a supplier delivering an output against $

How did you get along with our team?
Very responsive and committed to make me satisifed

What did you think about the communication?
Regular Skype conversations, together with emails and Google Doc reports made remote work easy and flexible. The only cons: I am missing the webcam we offered to Ion (would appreciate he gets it back…).

Will you work with us again?

What did you like the most about us?
Your sexy developers and you playing kicker when I Skype with Ion. Your ability to start and end quickly my projects, to meet my tight deadlines, and to fulfill complex and challenging development tasks. Well, basically you are sharing the same start-up spirit as mine and you know that you success will be yours

Did the final result meet your expectations / requirements?
You guys exceeded my expectations. I doubt I would have reached the same result with an outsourced anonymous team from India or Pakistan

Mulțumim foarte mult!